Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
RS Virus Rapid-measurement Kit Quick NaviTM-RSV2 To Be Launched in Japan
- Faster test results and enhanced visual features with two color lines -
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will commence sales to medical institutions in Japan from November 12, 2019 of the RS virus kit Quick Navi™-RSV2 for in-vitro diagnosis of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus, a major cause of respiratory illness in young children and elderly adults).
This latest product in the Quick Navi series of in-vitro diagnostics improves on the usability and performance of the existing Quick Navi™-RSV, detecting RS viral infections more quickly and clearly.
Quick Navi-RSV2 is a rapid test kit that uses immunochromatography for detection of RSV infection. A diagnosis is confirmed by the appearance of a red line on the device, based on testing of a sample collected from the nasal cavity. The minimum threshold sensitivity for detection has been improved, and the time to diagnosis is five minutes (compared to eight minutes for the conventional product). The use of red RSV antibody binding latex for the test line and blue protein-binding latex for the control line enables easier differentiation of the test line, compared to the use of only blue colors in the conventional product.