A Diverse and Proactive Workforce
We respect diverse values and aim to create a workplace that brings out the individual strengths of each employee and allows them to play an active role.

Women Empowerment

Throughout the years, Otsuka Pharmaceutical has been aspiring to foster a supportive work environment through the Diversity Promotion Project. One initiative is the Otsuka Women's Workshop, a forum for women to share information about marriage and childcare. WING is another such initiative — a cross-organizational voluntary study group that identifies issues and discusses solutions for the company's betterment. In 2017, the Otsuka group signed the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a set of principles offering guidance to businesses on how to promote the advancement of women in the workplace. As of 2022, there are two female directors, and the ratio of female to male directors became 12.5% (ratio of female directors including executive officers: 12.5%*1).
- *1As of August 1, 2022

Male Involvement in Childcare
In recent years, an increasing number of male employees have been proactive in their contributions to housework and childcare. In response to this important growing trend, we are implementing initiatives for our managers to better understand the necessary new management styles and diversity.
These initiatives — including the IkuBoss (work-life balance) Seminars and IkuBoss Corporate Alliance — help to raise awareness and support the sharing of information. In addition to showcasing select male employees as role models, we have created an atmosphere conducive to participation in housework and childcare by establishing a consultation service. As a result, male employees' childcare leave increased from 3.7% in 2016 to 72.6% (averaging nine days of leave) in 2021.

Five Months of Childcare Leave —
The Struggles of Solo Parenting Become an Invaluable Asset

We are working to create an environment where employees can make the most of their skills and abilities — regardless of mental or physical disabilities.

Embracing our differences—
Fostering a workplace where each individual can thrive

In October 2011, we established Heartful Kawauchi Co., Ltd. in Tokushima City. This special subsidiary aims to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities, where all participants can take active roles and fully demonstrate their skill sets. Currently, the company handles printing business cards, web page creation, providing office and production support, and an agri-business that grows greenhouse tomatoes.
In 2016, one employee received the Challenge Tokushima Award, which honors the achievements of people with disabilities who have been active in the workforce for many years. In 2020, the company became the first to receive the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's Monisu Certification in recognition of its efforts to promote and stabilize the employment of people with disabilities.

Heartful Kawauchi's Agri-Business
Heartful Kawauchi's Magokoro Farm Cosmos employs people with disabilities and has received praise for its agri-business efforts. In 2017, it was granted an AnAnGAP Certification, a commendation of excellence from Tokushima Prefecture, following a thorough inspection of the farm's production and quality control system. In 2018, Chugoku-Shikoku Regional Agricultural Administration Office selected it as a Discover Mura no Takara (Discover treasure of our villages initiative) site — an excellent example of regional revitalization that brings out the full potential of an agricultural, mountainous, or fishing community.

Since its founding, Otsuka Pharmaceutical has emphasized the value of people and believes that respect for human rights should be at the core of all business activities. We underline our stance on human rights through the Otsuka Group Global Code of Business Ethics, the Otsuka Pharmaceutical Charter of Corporate Behavior, and the Otsuka Pharmaceutical Compliance Program. We are working to create a supportive work environment for employees of various sexual orientations and gender identities by providing LGBTQ training and setting up a consultation service.
Older Persons
We are finalizing support programs for employees who reach the retirement age of 60. In addition to providing a work environment that allows employees to continue working after retirement, we offer life-planning seminars*2 and other age-related information. Employees who have used the re-employment system*3 are placed in departments best suited to them, allowing them to make the most of their wealth of experience.
- *2Life-planning seminars: These seminars are held for employees who have reached the age of 57, giving them an opportunity to think about their future career and life plans.
- *3Re-employment system: Employees are eligible until the last day of the month in which they reach the age of 65.

Otsuka Pharmaceutical is expanding its business globally based on our corporate philosophy of contributing to the health of people around the world. We employ people of various nationalities and backgrounds as we believe having a diverse workforce is essential.
Our overseas offices conduct business following the culture and customs of each region. The number of Japanese expatriates at our overseas offices is minimal — we proactively hire local staff. Localization of management and empowering local workers have helped us achieve corporate growth.
We have been promoting initiatives to improve the workplace. In 2021, our US subsidiaries, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical (OAPI) and Otsuka Pharmaceutical D&C (OPDC), became Great Place to Work-Certified™*4 companies for two consecutive years.
- *4Great Place to Work is an organization that conducts surveys and analyses on job satisfaction. It certifies companies and organizations that meet specific standards related to job satisfaction and is active in approximately 60 countries.