Characterized by abundant natural beauty and a rich heritage of history and culture, Wakayama Prefecture offers an environment conducive to rewarding lifestyles. However, faced with changes such as full-fledged population decline, repeated large-scale natural disasters, and economic and social globalization, Wakayama Prefecture has established the Wakayama Prefecture Long-term Comprehensive Plan*1 to facilitate rapid and appropriate response to change. Based on the future vision of "A Vigorous Wakayama with Caring World Connections - Enabling Residents to Lead Happy Lives," Wakayama Prefecture aims to capitalize on local characteristics and strengths, working together with organizations, schools, workplaces, communities and households to make this vision a reality.
Based on the new agreement, Otsuka Pharmaceutical will reinforce its partnership with Wakayama Prefecture, maximizing its expertise in disaster mitigation, heat stroke countermeasures, prevention of lifestyle-related illnesses, nutritional education, sports promotion and other areas, and providing health-related information and products based on scientific evidence to contribute to extended healthy life expectancy*2 and revitalize local communities.