Activities to Convey the Importance of Rehydration
Otsuka Pharmaceutical carries out campaigns to prevent heat disorders in cooperation with relevant organizations, focusing on rehydration. Heat disorders can occur in many different situations where people perspire, including daily activities, playing sports, and working in hot environments. For more information see:Sustainability > Preventing heat disorders

Activities with the Japan Sport Association:
Prevention of heat disorders during sports activities

Since POCARI SWEAT was first launched, Otsuka Pharmaceutical has been carrying out activities to inform people about the importance of rehydration. In 1991, the Study Group for the Prevention of Heat Stroke Accidents during Sports Activities was established within the Japan Sport Association. In 1992, Otsuka began providing support for the group's activities to prevent heat disorders, and became a sponsor for various initiatives such as the Japan Sport Association's National Sports Promotion Campaign. For more information see:Preventing heat disorders > Initiatives for children and students
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Heat Disorders Prevention TV Forum

In 2012, Otsuka Pharmaceutical held a Heat Stroke Prevention TV Forum. The forum was broadcast outside of the company over its satellite broadcasting system, which is normally used for in-house educational purposes, introducing a unique interactive element. In-house physicians, company nurses and dieticians, and safety and health workers across Japan were able not only to listen to the lectures, but also to participate by asking questions of the speakers. For more information see:Preventing heat disorders > Initiatives for Sports Instructors

Heat Disorders Prevention website with the cooperation of weather forecasters

Together with the non-profit Weather Caster Network, Otsuka created a Heat Disorders Prevention website in 2012. It can be accessed online by anyone with a smartphone or a computer. The site provides not just temperature forecast, but also risk levels for heat disorders, using estimated WBGT values, an index that takes into account temperature, humidity, and radiant heat. For more information see:Preventing heat disorders > Initiatives for opinion leaders

Otsuka staff members become lecturers teaching the importance of rehydration to children across Japan

The company began providing seminars for school children, providing them with information on how to prevent heat disorders, with a focus on the importance of rehydration. Since its inception, Otsuka Pharmaceutical staff members have visited schools, clubs, and sports workshops across Japan, inviting more than 850,000 participants.
For more information see:Preventing heat disorders > Initiatives for children and students

Prevention of heat disorders in collaboration with the Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association

As part of efforts to prevent heat stroke in the workplace, Otsuka staff instructors visit companies where people work in hot environments. Upon a request from a host company's health and safety manager, Otsuka sends a staff instructor to give a seminar on heat stroke prevention measures in the workplace, or to participate in the host company's training activities. Otsuka also strives to promote understanding of the heat stroke prevention measures announced by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Ministry of the Environment in Japan. For more information see:Preventing heat disorders > Initiatives for business entities and workplaces
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Issuing pamphlets on heat disorders prevention together with the Japanese Society of Biometeorology

Otsuka sponsored the publication of a guidebook called, Prevent Heat Stroke, prepared based on the Guidelines for the Prevention of Heat Stroke during Daily Activities (ver. 1) issued by the Japanese Society of Biometeorology in 2007. The company also provided support for the publication of a pamphlet entitled, "Prevent Heat Stroke: Q&A for Preventing Heat Stroke during the Campaign to Cut Peak Power Usage".
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