BCAA Helps Maintain Exercise Performance

BCAA is an energy source for muscles

What is the Relationship between BCAA and Exercise Performance? Research on the effects of BCAA on exercise performance.

What is BCAA?

BCAA is a general term for the essential amino acids valine, leucine, and isoleucine that are metabolized by the body and used as sources of muscle energy.

Effects of BCAA
  • Reduction of muscle damage
  • Reduction of fatigue and muscle pain
  • Maintenance of athletic performance
The best timing for taking BCAA

To get the best results from taking BCAA, it is important to take 2,000 milligrams or more from 30 minutes before exercise, and continue to take it during exercise.

Learn more about research into BCAA

Take BCAA before starting strength training

Strength training is a resistance (anaerobic) exercise that places a heavy load on the muscles. When an exercise is intense enough, due to most of the energy coming from the metabolism of carbohydrate, lactic acid is more likely to accumulate in the muscles, causing exercise performance to decrease.

To effectively carry out muscular strength training, supplementation of BCAA, an essential amino acid, is vital before you start the exercise. By utilizing BCAA as an energy source for muscles, it is possible to build them more efficiently. To avoid damage to the body and pain the next day, take BCAA 30 minutes before you start training.